Running your own business is tough
I should know! As a freelancer myself, I’m well aware of the daily struggles that come with working for yourself. But, you don’t have to do it all. I take care of the financial side of things for freelancers across the UK, from copywriters to web designers, taking away the stress of HMRC and allowing them to spend more time on the work they love.

Parenthood is no walk in the park either
And on top of running your own business? It can feel like it's impossible. When I started my business my son was just 18 months old and, a few years down the line, if he's not in school he’s still interrupting my video calls. So, yes, I get it - and I’m here to make things easier for you.

I'm Claire
And I’m far from being a big, corporate firm with hundreds of accounts to look after. I’m a one-woman accounting and Xero specialist team based in my home office in Cardiff - and that’s exactly why my clients choose me.
A friendship and trust is formed that you’re just not going to get with a larger firm. I’ll chat to you freelancer to freelancer. Parent to parent. As someone who understands your situation and wants to help.

I'm good at my job
As an award-winning AAT licensed accountant, I’m more than qualified to help you out in whichever way suits you best. From personal tax returns to looking after your accounts, I’m all over it.
Or, if you’d just like to feel more in control of your finances, I’m a certified Xero advisor and can train you up to handle your accounts like a pro.